Nature Time!

An Outdoor Nature-Based Learning Experience for 2 - 8 year old children

Nature Time!

It is important to remember that outdoor and nature-based learning has been practiced by Indigenous and Native Peoples all over the world since time immemorial. Nature Time! programs honor and support local Tribes’ efforts to protect land and preserve their culture, ensuring that learners are in right relationship with the land. Learn about the Snoqualmie Tribe Ancestral Lands Movement

Additionally, The Cedarsong Way® education model strongly informs the Nature Time! approach to outdoor learning. This pedagogy is distinguished by its commitment to total nature immersion, interest-led flow learning, emergent curriculum, place-based focus, inquiry-based teaching style and authentic play.

Nature Time! recognizes that nature is the primary teacher and the student is at the center of their learning experience.


This program supplements and enhances children’s classroom learning by supporting the development of their social, emotional, and academic skills through full nature immersion. Flexible hours are offered, based on the needs of each family, and Nature Time! facilitators meet with up to three children in local parks and green-spaces close to homes, indoor schools, shopping centers, doctors and other places that make it convenient for parents & caregivers to attend to their needs while children immerse in nature.

Many families are heavily scheduled, don’t have access to green spaces, and spend a great deal of time indoors and on screens. The Nature Time! program provides children with valuable learning and living experiences through nature immersion. Additionally, each family receives guidance and support around compassionate communication, setting loving boundaries, and growing a deeper understanding of nature and how our interactions in nature help us all on so many levels.

Currently operating in & around
Maple Valley, WA

More locations to come soon!


Nature Time! is an invitation to all caregivers:
Ensure that early learners have as many
opportunities as possible to experience
unstructured time in nature.